5 Quotes to Motivate You Through Your Triathlon Journey This Season
Triathlon is an inspiring sport. But sometimes, it can seem nearly impossible to break through the negativity and low-points to stay motivated. The only thing more dangerous than a hard-working, talented triathlete is one who has the motivation to move mountains.
Here are 5 quotes to keep you going when you're struggling in your pain cave, sweating in the hurt locker, and devastated with despair:
The greatest mistake, I believe in life, is to not start what you truly want to do; to not take the first step to become who you truly want to be. No matter what situation you find yourself in, you MUST start now to become that person. Your future self will than you for that.
Embrace the fear you get from making BIG goals. But make sure you are working towards something that excites you! The most worthwhile goals I have ever set made me so excited I could barely sleep. It motivated me to stay on the difficult path to success.
This reminds me of the tale of two wolves. Each of us has two wolves within us: One is good; one is evil. They are both hungry - make sure you feed the good wolf!
We ALL have trials and heartache - it's just a part of life. Rather than allowing these misfortunes to drag us to to misery, allow them to be a stepping stone to bigger and better things.
The fantastic thing about the sport of triathlon is that it IS an individual sport. Don't get obsessed comparing yourself with others. Continually strive to be better than you were yesterday.