Are You Getting Bored with Your Training Nutrition?

Bonking sucks.  There is nothing worse then being in the middle of a workout or race and hitting that wall.  Essentially, bonking is caused by glycogen depletion from the muscles and liver.  This depletion occurs during continuous exercise that is sustained for long periods of time.  The best way to prevent bonking is through nutrition.  Maintaining a well-balanced, nutritious diet during the day can definitely help, but a lot of the time you need to consume calories during the workout.  Enter gels, chews, tablets, etc.  These products are designed to be convenient to take and mostly contain sugar.  Some people find these energy products difficult to digest and don’t overly enjoy their artificial demeanor.  Here are a couple alternative options for those not wanting to bonk but also not wanting to force themselves to swallow a gel mid workout:

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What Should I Do During the Off Season?

The end of a racing season can be a stressful and confusing time when athletes are unsure what to do next.  This is a critical time of year when an athlete can make big decisions that will affect the next season’s racing and results.  Rather than filled with stress, triathletes should spend this time of year full of excitement for the upcoming months of preparation and hard work.

Here are some simple ways to make a huge impact on your training season and start it off in the right direction.

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What is the Secret to Staying Run Injury Free?

For many triathletes, the majority of their injuries are due to the running component.  What is the main cause of running injuries? Misadaptation.  Misadaptation can be broken down into three components.

1)      Mechanical stress caused by training errors.  Roughly 80% of all running injuries are due to running too much too soon. 

2)      Intrinsic factors which include biomechanics, muscle dysfunction, tissue weakness, stress and fatigue. 

3)      Extrinsic factors which include footwear, running surface and medications. 

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How Can I Beat the Winter Blues in My Training?

Winter can be a frustrating time for triathletes.  We have to do the majority of our training indoors to beat the cold and when training outside are faced with few hours of actual daylight.  We have to get up while it is still dark, venture out into the cold, change into a tiny bathing suit and jump into a freezing pool.  We have to spend hours on a stationary bike in stuffy rooms.  We have to run on treadmills while staring at the same spot on the wall.  It can get rough.

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How to Train for Triathlon with Diabetes

Diabetes is a chronic disorder characterized by high blood sugar and disruption of the metabolism of carbs, fats and proteins.  Insulin, which is made by the pancreas, normally maintains blood glucose levels.  People with type 1 diabetes are insulin dependent - their body does not secrete enough of it.  People with type 2 diabetes are non-insulin dependent - insulin no longer works to decrease their blood glucose levels.  Both can lead to long term damage and dysfunction of tissues and organs.  

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Should I Hire a Triathon Coach?

Thanks to the internet we have an infinite amount of knowledge at the touch of our fingertips. All of our heart’s desires are just a google search away.  It is quite easy to find an online training plan for every triathlon distance.  Worse, it is easy to follow other athletes on their social media and incorporate their workouts into our own routine.  As tempting as it is, it is so much better to find yourself a qualified coach.  Why?

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3 Great Tips to Help You Train on Vacation

Triathletes love to train.  Taking time off from training is something we all dread.  We love having a structured routine.  We love waking up every morning having a workout to look forward to.  So how do you figure out a training routine while on vacation?

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What is the Difference Between Long Course and Short Course Triathlon?

Many people considering completing a triathlon do not realize that the word “triathlon” is an umbrella term that encompasses a variety of races.  They assume that in order to be a triathlete they have to complete a full ironman - quite the daunting task.  


Triathlon is a sport friendly for all ages and abilities - you just have to pick the right distance. 

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